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Intro to Visualisation | 'Manifesting in the Real World' Episode Five

Deep down I know I am successful. I know I have reached all my goals and surpassed my wildest dreams. Deep down, I know this to be true.

But we don’t always see the world around us through the rose-tinted glasses of our imagined future, our hopes, and dreams.

We more often see the world around us at the surface level.

Most of us are stuck at the surface level. At the edge of the water, seeing only ourselves mirrored back at us... but it’s not a true, complete image.

It’s how we see ourselves based on our opinions, beliefs and judgements. It’s how we see ourselves based on the opinions of others, through the beliefs we have accumulated through our experiences, and the perceived judgement from those in our lives.

It’s our expectations and other’s expectations of us.

We forget, or simply don’t know how, to look deeper, beyond the surface image. To see past the layers of fear, doubt and judgement, and witness our true selves. Our true wants and needs. Connection. Purpose. Freedom.

So, stop for a moment. Look deeper. Tell me, what do you see? What do you feel?

Your dreams are visions that have not yet manifested in the real world. But through techniques such as visualisation, you may find that the water is not as deep as it appears.

Today, we’re going to dive into the topic of Visualisation.


Hey everyone! Welcome back, or if you’re here for the first time, nice to meet you! My name is Ebonie and this blog (and the YouTube channel) is here to help you reconnect to your intuition, so you can manifest your most magical life, in the real world!

That you for being here today, for the topic of visualisation. Not gonna lie, it’s gonna get deep! So, get yourself a cuppa, and let’s get straight into it.


What is Visualisation?

Visualisation is imagining your future, embodying how it would feel to live in that future, and essentially, acting as if that future is your reality, right now. What does it look like? How does it feel? Believe it to be real and happening right now, with all the emotions that would come with it.

If you’re trying to visualise moving into your dream home, for example. Imagine a scenario that you’ve likely gone through before – when you’re walking in the front door of your new home for the first time. It’s not a far stretch of the imagination to walk into a house. Start simple. You walk through the front door and you’ve just moved in, so it’s an empty room. You’re standing in an empty room. That’s easy to picture right? You’re likely picturing it right now as I speak of it.

Where the power of visualisation really kicks in, is when you supercharge what you’re imagining with an emotional response.

The empty room fills you with excitement because it represents a house that is now yours. You are filled with joy and you can’t wait to get your furniture in there and turn the empty house into your home.

Start adding little details to the empty room. How light and bright is it? What colour are the walls? Is it carpeted or are there floorboards? Once you have the basics covered, picture the furniture, and so on.

It can help to reference an image you’ve seen in real life or draw from past life experiences. Maybe your dream home is based on one you’ve actually been in before, or you have images on your vision board to inspire your imagination.

This is where having a vision board can really come in handy! Episode Two of this series is all about how and why to make a vision board — if you haven’t seen it yet, click here to check it out!

Our brains think in images, so conjuring images in our mind is relatively easy. We’ve all daydreamed before! Where you might be staring into space, not focused on your actual real surroundings because your mind is elsewhere, imagining that you’re not at work but actually lying in the sun on a white sand beach.

Visualising is simply taking your daydream one step further. You convince your mind that what you’re imagining is real and reinforce the idea with emotions.

It’s the emotional response which connects it all together.

It’s feeling as if what you want is your reality, that will lead to you acting as if what you want is within your reach. You’ve already felt it, embodied it and visualised it. You know exactly how it would feel and look for that goal or dream to come true.

Which means that your brain will be wired to seek out what you want. You’ll be more likely to take action or see opportunities that will allow you to get what you want. You’ll be moving past the layers of fear and doubt, to clearly see and feel the possibility that you truly can, and will, get what you want.

Remember that everything that exists in reality, was once imagined.

In our logical minds, we can rationalise and analyse. We need that, too. We need to take inspired action. You can’t simply stop at visualisation – you need to build momentum in real life too. Yet it’s our logical minds, our fears and doubts, and often our beliefs that stop us from manifesting and achieving what we want.

We overthink it or dismiss an idea because it seems too complicated or difficult. You think it’s too nerve wracking. You think you don’t know how to do it. You think that you’re incapable of learning the skills needed. You think it’s been done before, so the competition is too high.

Whatever excuses you come up with – it’s your brain trying to rationalize, in order to keep you safe. Your monkey mind, your ego, your logical side – it doesn’t want you to be hurt, embarrassed, disappointed, or anxious. It cares about other people’s opinions of you. It is the surface, the immediate reflection you see.

When you look deeper, when you peel back the layers, you find that it’s a vicious cycle that benefits no one.

Your logical side and your monkey mind have a place. We need to think, we need to plan, we need to analyse and learn, we need to look both ways before we cross the road.

Yet we need our imagination and our intuition to realize the possibilities and opportunities that exist all around us, and to know, deep down, which direction to take. It’s your intuition that might give you a nudge to cross the road in the first place.

If you’re struggling to visualise, or to truly believe in your capabilities, try to suspend your disbelief. You don’t have to fully believe it will happen, 100% of the time. Of course, doubts will still creep in! Just as with all things manifesting and the Law of Attraction, you learn with time and practice how to shift your mindset. You learn how to shake off the negativity when it arises. That doesn’t mean it’s easy to do, or even works every time! You have to let yourself feel what you need to, and process negative emotions. We’ll talk more about this in another post!

All of this is to say, there are ways through — and whatever you’re going through, you can (and will!) be able to manifest successfully using visualisation.

It can be simple, and as simple as it can be, it can be effective! Whatever you believe and even if you have your reservations about it, there’s no harm in trying it either way!


A Simple Visualisation Method

This is how I visualise most of the time. Try this method, then play around with it until you figure out what works best for you! There are countless ways to try visualising, but this is an easy way to start!

Step 1. Meditate First

First, I meditate for at least 10 minutes. This gets me in a clear, refreshed state of mind, and gives me a chance to relax and let go of any worries.

Step 2. Focus on One Image on Your Vision Board

At the end of meditating, I open my eyes to look at my vision board. I focus on one image specifically, one goal or dream I want to achieve. I find this really helps! But if you don’t have a reference image, start to imagine it in your mind.

After looking at the image for a few moments, I shut my eyes again and start visualising!

Step 3. Image Your Dream Happening Right Now

I imagine the goal or dream unfolding in front of me, as if it’s happening in real life, right now. See it as vividly as you can, as if you’re dreaming. This can include thoughts too - what are you thinking as you imagine the scene? Are other people there? What would you be saying to one another? Play out the scene as you’d like it to happen, and believe with all your might that it is truly happening right now, as you’re envisioning it.

Step 4. Feel All the Emotions & Add Details

Feel all the emotions that come with this imagined reality! In the case of walking into my own house, I feel excited, free, secure, safe and happy.

I smile broadly as I take it all in, and I start adding details. The furniture that I want, and so on. I imagine the sun streaming in from the windows and feel its warmth.

In the best visualisation sessions, I feel like I’m glowing with joy. I don’t know how else to describe it! Like when you get a shiver up your spine. I just let myself feel so much excitement that I’m buzzing, like I’ve had too much coffee!

The longer you spend doing this, the more detail and feeling you can add into it. Put aside your own self-criticisms, get out of your logical, rationalising mind, and simply let yourself dream.

If you can’t possibly fathom how a certain dream could come true for you, then look for a real-life example of someone who has achieved what you want.

How many people have succeeded before you? They’re not better than you. You are just as capable. Your opportunities, life experience and education may be different, but if it was possible for them, why wouldn’t it be possible for you too?

I like to remind myself that crazier things have happened!


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Focus on Your Why

When it comes to successfully manifesting, don’t worry about the how. Focus on the why.

Why do you want this thing? If you have a strong reason why, you’ll be more motivated to make it happen.

Your reason why you want something, will also allow you to work out the emotions that would arise when you achieve it. If your reason why reflects a value that you hold near and dear to you, there’s truly no stopping you!

For example, you want to earn more money. Get specific and work out your money goals. Calculate how much money you’d like to earn in order to live your dream life.

Your surface reasons may be so that you have financial freedom, you don’t have to stress about money, and you can live a life of comfort and ease. Yet if you go deeper, your true why may be so that you can give back to others, you can donate, and you can help out family and friends.

So, your true why could be summarised by three core values: Connection, Purpose and Freedom.

What does connection feel like? What does it feel like to have purpose? What does freedom feel like?

What do all three of these values feel like? Happiness.

It all comes back to doing what makes you and others happy.

At the crux of it all, anything you want in life should make you happy. So, when you’re visualizing, majority of the time you want to feel happiness. If in doubt, aim to feel happy. Don’t overcomplicate it.

It really can be as simple as focusing on happiness!

In my example of visualising my dream home, I said that I would feel excited, free, secure, safe and happy. Excitement, freedom, security, safety, happiness.

It’s all connected to feeling happy.

I like looking at it this way, and I think explaining it this way makes a lot of sense, too. We all have happy memories that we can draw from. We all understand what it means to feel happy. If you thought about something that makes you happy right now, I bet you could conjure up the feeling straightaway.

If you are struggling to feel that happiness while visualising, try practicing gratitude. Write in a gratitude journal, or even just list a couple of things you’re grateful for in your head. Gratitude is a wonderful gateway to happiness.

How grateful would you be if you received that thing you want?

Gratitude is a magnet – the more gratitude you have, the more things you’ll attract into your life to be grateful for.

Just like a lot of these practices, visualisation can seem silly. It’s a relatively simple concept, so how could it possibly be this amazing, effective tool? When we’re caught daydreaming, we usually shrug and laugh it off, right?

You know what though — a visionary is a dreamer!

Speaking of visionaries, I recently learnt that Steve Jobs was known to live within what was termed his “reality distortion field.” I’ll link the video below where I first heard this!

As an article I read on this explained, “Steve Jobs’s “reality distortion field” was a personal refusal to accept limitations that stood in the way of his ideas, to convince himself that any difficulty was surmountable. This “field” was so strong that he was able to convince others that they, too, could achieve the impossible. It was an internal reality so powerful it also became an external reality. Whatever you may say about Jobs, he was a master mind hacker.”

I definitely recommend reading this whole article on Medium, I’ll have it linked in the resources section below, at the end of this page – along with a bunch more awesome books, videos and articles I recommend checking out on the topic of Visualisation!

So, conjure up your own “reality distortion field” and truly start to believe in yourself, in your abilities, in your goals, and in your dreams.

I don’t always believe I’ll achieve all that I want in life.

But even for just a moment, if I visualize and cast aside all doubts, I can see myself achieving everything. I can feel the pure happiness as I succeed.

I can look past the surface and reach into the water, beyond my reflection, beyond other’s opinions, beyond my own logic and reason, to what really matters.

Freedom. Purpose. Connection.

As long as I live to these values, I will be happy.

As important as our goals and dreams may be, we’re all just striving for happiness.

As crazy as this world can be, happiness is everywhere, and it’s contagious!


Now I’d love to hear from you! Comment below – are you going to try visualisation? Please share your experiences with visualisation below and share this post to anyone you feel it might help too!

I really hope you enjoyed today’s video and found it helpful! If you haven’t already, I hope that you’ll consider subscribing to the YouTube channel, and ring the little bell to be notified when I post a new video, every Thursday at 2pm!

Feel free to leave any questions below too — or find me on Instagram @eboniehyland. I’d love to see you over there!

If you’d like to learn more about visualisation, check out the Resources and Recommendations linked below!

Thank you so much for being here today, and I can’t wait to see you here again next week!

So much love,

Ebonie xx

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