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DreamyMoons 2021 Diaries by Annie Tarasova - First Impressions | Year of Growth Book & Daily Planner

Hey everyone! Welcome back to the blog - or if you’re just meeting me for the first time, hi! My name is Ebonie, and this blog (and YouTube channel) is here to help you reconnect to your intuition, so you can manifest the most magical life you could dream of – in the real world! If that sounds like something that you’re curious about, I hope you’ll consider subscribing to the channel, and the weekly newsletter!

 I couldn’t resist showing off these absolutely stunning diaries from Dreamy Moons today!

I’ll be continuing my series, ‘Manifesting in the Real World’ next week, but it’s nice to alternate between different videos to keep things interesting! I also feel like anyone who is interested in the Law of Attraction and manifesting, will be very curious to learn more about these diaries too. As I delve into the Year of Growth book especially, you’ll soon see what I mean!

Please note: I am not affiliated with DreamyMoons, I purchased these diaries myself and I am not being paid to share this post.



The Year of Growth Book and the Daily Planner are from Dreamy Moons, an Australian online store created by Annie Tarasova. She creates so many amazing things! I have her oracle and affirmation cards, and one of her journals too… Getting quite the Dreamy Moons collection!

But today’s focus is on these beautiful 2021 diaries!

There are two to choose from, or you can purchase both as a set, called the 2021 Dreamy Bundle. I chose to do that - as they both function a little differently, and I think it’ll be the perfect set up for me! She also included a bonus pen which reads “I am abundant” with illustrations which is so sweet — I had no idea that was coming with them too! As you’ll see in the video above too, even the box they arrive in is illustrated beautifully.


The 2021 Year of Growth Diary

The Year of Growth diary has so many extra features that the Daily planner doesn’t include. There are moon phases, journaling prompts, quotes and affirmations. There are pages to journal, to plan your goals, and there’s even a vision board section where you can add your vision board!

As Annie writes on the Dreamy Moons website, the “2021 Year of Growth Book is made for the dreamers, writers and creatives - for those who want to dive deeper into their own minds and become the best version of themselves.a diary with a focus on mindfulness, gratitude, intention setting, self reflection, creativity and personal growth.”

It features “a week per spread layout, moon phases, journaling prompts, self reflection, intention setting, creative exercises, dot grids for habit tracking, illustrations and more.”

Some of you may have seen my bullet journaling video — honestly, this Year of Growth diary has all the features I’d ever want in a bullet journal! So, I’m really looking forward to trying it out next year, after bullet journaling the last few years.


The 2021 Daily Planner

I also love that with the additional daily planner, I can use that for more day to day planning and so on. Which keeps the year of growth book aside to fit its main purpose – as a journaling and manifesting tool!

 Again in Annie’s own words, the “2021 Daily Planner is made for the planners and go-getters - for those who want to achieve all they set their minds to while making time for self care. It is a day-a-page planner with a focus on time management, motivation, organisation and getting it all done. It’s a light planner that loves adventure and will happily travel with you anywhere.”

The Daily Planner features “a day a page layout, yearly, monthly and weekly overview, categorised to do lists, daily P.S. reminders and more.”

I’m really looking forward to using both together. It’ll be great to have a smaller task-based, simple planner for day to day, alongside the Year of Growth book. I think they make a perfect pair, the best of both worlds!



A System to Replace Bullet Journaling?

Coming from a bullet journaling perspective, a lot of past diaries and planners I’ve had have simply not had the features or the space to write in. Keeping both a daily planner and the Year of Growth book should definitely be more than enough! I’m curious to see how I go keeping both. Hopefully it’ll work well! They are so beautiful, and so thoughtfully presented, including more than I could possibly think of – or be bothered – adding to my bullet journals in the past.

I love the flexibility of bullet journals, and while travelling it was great – but the more time you put into it, the better it is. Unlike Annie though, I’m not an artist! So my bullet journals are mostly filled with writing, with the odd washi tape decoration, and photos filling the gaps. It’s awesome to look back on, especially for the photos – but it’s definitely not ever going to be as pretty as these are!

While I do believe that bullet journals don’t have to look arty, and that they can be as simple and easy as you like, there are definitely some features I’d love to have included in mine, that I just haven’t made the time to do.

Having all the options that I could possibly dream of adding to my bullet journal already included in the pages of these books, will mean I won’t feel like I’m missing anything. The fact those features are surrounded by artwork, and are presented in such a beautiful way, is just the icing on the cake!

The Year of Growth book and the Daily Planner combined, not only fit my needs from a practical, organised standpoint – they surpass them, in style. They aren’t just beautiful, they’re functional too! It may appear to be just a pretty journal – but it’s so much more. I highly recommend it if you’re just getting started with the Law of Attraction and manifesting, or if you’re already practicing these spiritual concepts.

As far as manifesting goes, I believe that having a dedicated Year of Growth diary will help so much! It’s a place to reflect, to set goals, to write down what you’re grateful for, to set your intentions, to learn and to grow.

If I ever travel full time again, I’ll be taking both of these with me – sure the Year of Growth is a rather hefty book, but it’d be worth it, as it combines so many journaling features. It has space for everything that I currently have spread out over multiple journals. Day to day, having the smaller planner will be super handy too!

Between these two dairies, I feel like I have 2021 covered! I’m so excited to get started with them. Is anyone else really looking forward to next year?

If you’re not sure which diary will be best but only want one, you could maybe get the bundle, then gift the second one to someone! Perfect for a Christmas gift for yourself or a loved one. Beautiful, yet practical and super helpful!

For more info and to purchase either or both for yourself, check out the Dreamy Moons website (also linked below).



Now I’d love to hear from you! Comment below – do you think keeping a diary like this would help you manifest? Please share your thoughts below and share this post to anyone you feel could benefit from it too!

I really hope you enjoyed today’s post and found it helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to leave them below too, or find me on Instagram @eboniehyland. I’d love to see you over there! As always, if you’d like to learn more see the Resources and Recommendations linked below!

Thank you so much for being here today, and I can’t wait to see you next week!

So much love,

Ebonie xx