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Tarot Spreads for Clarity & Taking Action on your Goals

Hey everyone! Welcome back to my blog! Or if you’re new here, it’s lovely to meet you! My name is Ebonie and my hope for this blog, and my YouTube channel is to help you to reconnect with your intuition. I am slightly obsessed with all things spiritual and love divination methods such as Tarot, Rune Stones, Pendulums, even Charm Casting… So if you’re interested in any of these things, and how they might help you too, you’re in the right place!

Tarot has really taught me so much about how to use my intuition, connect with my subconscious, and understand myself so much more than I ever have before. And as I’ll show you these two tarot spreads today, Tarot can be such a useful tool to gain actionable advice.

Today I want to share two Tarot spreads that ask you to really question yourself. If you really delve into these spreads, think deeply about the cards you draw and even write about what thoughts it brings up, these spreads will bring you so much clarity! And help you figure out what you need to focus on, overcome, and learn, in order to move forward with your dreams and goals in life.

My hope with these Tarot spreads or layouts is that they will help you to connect with your intuition and bring you so much insight!

Also, next week in Part Two I’ll show you how to use these spreads with a combination of Tarot and Oracle cards together, and how to take it another step further – by adding charm casting or rune stones to the reading too!

Both layouts begin by drawing your choice of cards. You can use all one type, such as all Tarot cards, or a mixture, it’s up to you! The charms and/or rune stones will come next - after your cards have been chosen. You can absolutely use just one deck, and nothing more. I often do that too, and it is more than enough. But in part two I’ll show you all the possibilities, so remember to subscribe on YouTube and join the newsletter below, if you don’t want to miss out!

The first layout is the Clarity Tarot Spread, the second is the Take Action Spread. You can use them at different times or together – combined it would be an 8-card layout. You can use them any time you need, and you can delve deeper by journaling on the answers you receive. I do recommend though that you start with the clarity spread, then if you’d like more guidance, you can follow it with the Take Action Spread. It flows so nicely that way! But it’s all up to you. As both layouts are based on asking yourself questions to reflect on, you could even draw one card/ask one question at a time if you like!

For both spreads, I’ll first show you what they’re like using just one deck of Tarot cards. Then as I mentioned, in next week’s post I’ll talk about how to mix it up with different decks, oracle cards, and charms, if you’re curious!

 I hope you find this video helpful and give these layouts a try for yourself!



About The Clarity Spread

The first layout I’d like to share with you today is the Clarity Spread. This spread is wonderful to help you get clear on your goals and dreams!

You can use the Clarity Spread in two ways - with an idea/goal/dream in mind, or with no clue whatsoever what you want to do! Whether you have a million ideas or none at all, this spread will hopefully help you figure it out!

If you have a million things you’d like to do, but you can’t choose just one, I hope this spread helps you narrow it down! This doesn’t mean you disregard your other hopes and dreams but allows you to focus, and get really clear, on the one that really matters the most to you right now.

If you feel like your grasping at straws, and a tad confused if you should pursue an idea or goal, I hope this spread allows you so much clarity, you’ll be brimming with excitement by the end of it!

If you’re lost and stuck with what you want to do, I hope this spread sheds some light on your innermost dreams, and points you in the right direction. Maybe it’ll lead to an idea you’d never really considered?

Be open-minded, and pay attention to how your body responds to the answers you receive. Butterflies in your tummy or emotions caught in your throat can be indicators of your intuition kicking in and telling you that you might be on the right track!

However you approach this spread, write down your answers, journal on them, let the words flow, and see what comes out of it. Pay attention to your thoughts, to what your mind highlights, to what you’re drawn to. Clarity is all around you, once you really start to seek it out!

The idea behind this spread began as I started to write out questions, while doing a Tarot reading for myself. The following five questions featured in this layout were those that I found the most interesting to ask my Tarot cards. I feel like the combination of these questions allows so much insight on what I want to do in life. It gives me guidance, reminds me that someone or something is always helping me, and allows me to get a deeper understanding of my goals, strengths and potential hurdles or limiting beliefs I need to overcome.

I hope it brings you more than clarity — I hope you enjoy the experience of it too!

The Clarity Spread:

Card 1 — What Message Do I Need to Hear Right Now?

Let this card allow you to delve deep into how you are feeling right now. What’s on your mind? What do you need to know at this moment? Check-in with yourself, and be honest. What is this card telling you about your life at the moment?

Card 2 — What Do I Want To Do, More Than Anything?

How does this card help you to determine what you are feeling called to do? What is it you really want to do in life? What lights you up? What are your passions?

This card should give you some insight into what you truly want out of life, what will bring you joy. Put aside your fears and pretend for a moment that you could wake up tomorrow and you were living this reality. Delve deep into your wildest dreams! 

Card 3 — What Do I Need To Be Aware Of?

This card indicates what you need to be aware of to improve your chances of achieving what you want.

This card could ask you to address the limiting beliefs that are holding you back. It could show you a lesson you need to learn in order to succeed. Or it could point to a past experience that you need to move on from, in order to move forward in life.

Card 4 — What is my biggest strength?

Strength can be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. In this context, this card will help you improve your chances of achieving what you want. It may also help you deal with and overcome Card 3, what you need to be aware of.

In every card, there is a silver lining that could indicate your strength in this layout. There is always something to learn from! Your strength could be that you are hard-working, or that you are capable of overcoming fear. It could be that the universe (spirit/whatever you believe) is protecting and guiding you, and therefore your strength is that you have a strong connection to your spirituality that you can draw upon.

Card 5 — What or who is helping me?

I specify what or who because what might help you the most in realizing your dream or achieving your goal, can come from within you. It could be an aspect of your personality, a habit that will help you, knowledge in a certain area that you need to be reminded to draw upon.

Or it could be your family that is there to help or a particular friend. It could be a teacher or mentor. It could even be a book! (Right now Marie Forleo’s book, ‘Everything is Figureoutable’ is helping me immensely, as it inspires me to keep going after my dreams!)


To see the Clarity spread in action, watch the video above or click here.

You can also skim through the chapters of the video if you like, the time codes are in the YouTube video description! If you have any questions please do let me know! You can find me on Instagram @eboniehyland, or feel free to contact me here. I’d love to hear about your experience and feedback with this layout!

Now you have a better understanding of what you want, you can use the next spread to delve deeper on what you can do to make it happen!

The Take Action Spread will give you insight on what to do next…


About The Take Action Spread

This is where we take it up a notch, and figure out what your next steps are!

Hopefully, the Clarity Spread has helped you know what it is you want to make happen more than anything — and that’s all well and good, but what now? You know what or who should help you, you know what your biggest strength is and you what you need to be aware of…Hopefully you’ve also spent some time journalling it all out, really delving deep on what will make you so happy, if you can make it happen!

The first step to achieving anything is writing it down, and making it known. Then you have to take action! As Marie Forleo writes in ‘Everything is Figureoutable’ — “Clarity comes from engagement not thought. … Action is the faster and most direct route to clarity”.

It’s time to breathe life into your idea/goal/dream and get some real-life momentum going.

The Take Action Spread is the advice you need to get your idea off the ground!

The Take Action Spread:

Card One – Challenge: What challenges do I need to overcome?

Get clear on what challenges you may need to face in order to move forward. The first step to solving a problem is to define what the problem is!

Card Two – Focus: What do I need to focus the most on right now?

There are always distractions and never-ending to-do lists, so what is the crucial, most important thing you need to focus on currently?

Card Three – Action: What do I need to learn, what action do I need to take next?

What steps can you take that will help you to move forward. Do you need to learn a new skill? Do you need to book something in, or make something happen?


To see the Take Action spread in action, watch the video above or click here.


To Be Continued Next Week…

In Part Two, I’ll use the Take Action layout with different oracle cards plus tarot, charms, and even rune stones!

I had to split the post in two, as it got just a tad too long!  Which, as soon as I start talking about Tarot, is about as likely to happen as my coffee is to go cold before I finish it - a guarantee! So, if you’re curious about using oracle cards, charms and runes, and to learn more about using Tarot spreads in general, be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel if you haven’t already, and ring the little bell to be notified when I post, every Thursday at 2pm!

I hope that you enjoyed today’s post, showing you these two Tarot spreads! I’d love to know, what do you think of them? And if you give them a try, be sure to tag me on Instagram @eboniehyland – I’d love to see you over on Insta too!

And if you’d like, consider signing up for my newsletter below! It’s so much fun connecting with you all over email, sharing lots of freebies and weekly Tarot readings – which I’ve started sharing as an audio file too, so it’s like starting your week with an inspiring, 5-minute Tarot podcast!

Thank you so much for being here today! I hope you’re keeping well, wherever you are in the world. I can’t wait to see you next week!

So much love,

Ebonie xx