Ebonie Hyland
✧ Obsessed with all things spiritual (& coffee!) ✧ Making videos, taking photos, singing songs ☾ Charmed Tarot Readings Available


Posts tagged Low Impact
What is Low Impact Living?

I first heard of the idea of ‘low impact living’ when a YouTuber I love to watch, Immy Lucas of Sustainably Vegan created the ‘Low Impact Movement’. She had been trying her best to live a zero-waste lifestyle but had grown frustrated that she couldn’t reach 100% waste-free.

On the about page of her website, The Low Impact Movement, she writes: “Being plant based, low waste, minimalist and ethical, I wanted a movement that encompassed all of those values and merged them into one.”

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Hola de Guatemala!

Bienvenido - welcome!

If you’re just meeting me for the first time, hola! I’m a 28-year-old writer, photographer and musician from Australia. Right now, I’m living in Guatemala, at a Spanish school.

On weekdays, I hear the chatter of students learning Spanish as it echoes from the courtyard below my window. Upstairs in our room, I sit on a plastic chair, at a desk covered in a colourful, handmade tablecloth, and I edit photos and write about whatever I feel inspired to write.

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