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Posts tagged Astrology for beginners how to read a birth chart
VENUS IN ASTROLOGY EXPLAINED - Direct and Retrograde | What Venus Represents in your Chart

Venus… the brightest star in the sky. It may conjure up images of the goddess of beauty, or you may think of the old saying, “men are from Mars, women are from Venus.”

Venus in astrology tells us how we love others, and how we want to be loved in return. It represents who and what we value in our life. It is the planet of attraction. So, knowing more about where Venus is placed in our unique astrological charts will help us to receive all that we want in life.

So, get yourself a cuppa—or perhaps a glass of wine, truly channelling that Venus energy, and let’s get started!

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MERCURY IN ASTROLOGY EXPLAINED - Direct and Retrograde | What Mercury Represents in your Chart

Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System, yet it has a huge impact on how we communicate and think.

In the last few weeks, we’ve covered what your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs represent, and now I’m so excited to talk about what Mercury represents in your astrological birth chart! So, get yourself a cuppa, and let’s get started!

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RISING SIGNS IN ASTROLOGY - What Your Rising Sign Represents in Your Chart | RISING SIGNS EXPLAINED

In the last couple of videos, I’ve talked about how your Sun sign is the strongest representation of who you are and your identity, while your Moon Sign is all about your emotional, inner self. So where does your Rising or Ascendent sign fit into the picture?

In today’s post, I’ll talk about what Rising signs are exactly and what they represent.

So, get yourself a cuppa, and let’s talk about Rising signs!

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