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Simple Everyday Spiritual & Mindful Practices to Help You Manifest | 'Manifesting in the Real World' Episode Eight

We’re a few weeks into 2021 now and I don’t know about you, but as February draws near, I’m starting to feel a little overwhelmed. Time is already flying by this year!

So, I decided to write a list of spiritual and mindful practices that I can rely on to cheer me up, remind me to focus on what I can control, and let go of doubts, fears, or worries that sometimes try to get the best of me! These daily practices are beautiful, easy, simple things I can do without much preparation — if any. Some of them I can do literally anywhere, anytime. They are spiritual, mindful, beautiful things to do that remind me of my goals and what I’m in the midst of manifesting into my life.

There’s a real variety and they can be as spiritual or as practical as you want, but however you approach them, and whatever you believe, I encourage you to try these practices for yourself and tweak them to suit you. Maybe you’re just getting into the whole manifesting thing. Maybe you’ve heard about the law of attraction. Or you’ve been trying to ‘manifest’ for a while. Either way, it can be hard to know where to start – or how to keep going.

I believe manifesting successfully comes down to just a few things: knowing what you want and why you want it, having the right mindset, setting your intentions, and taking action.

So, what simple things can you do every day to keep your manifesting mindset in check? How can you bring a little magic into your day, without the need for a full ceremony or ritual every time you wanna get spiritual? How can you practice mindfulness, and how can being mindful even help you to manifest?

In today’s video, I’m going to give you a few simple, everyday things that you can do that will help keep you focused on what you’re trying to manifest. Not to mention, they’re honestly just such lovely things to do! So, get yourself a cuppa, and let’s get started! 


Hey everyone! Welcome back, or if you’re here for the first time, nice to meet you! My name is Ebonie and this blog (and the YouTube channel) is here to help you reconnect to your intuition, so you can manifest in the real world! If you’re interested in all things self-development and mindset, I hope you’ll enjoy today’s blog post (and/or watch the video), and consider subscribing to my YouTube channel linked above!

I’m so excited to share these simple daily practices that I alternate between regularly.

Some of these things I do every day, some things I do once a week, and some things I do multiple times a day! It all varies, and how often you’d like to include them in your day is totally up to you. For each practice, I’ll include a minimum time I recommend spending on each thing, so you have some idea of how to work them into your day. Obviously, you can take as much or as little time as you like, but I thought it could be helpful to include a rough idea!

Consider this a checklist of things you can do when you’re feeling a little disconnected or overwhelmed. All of these practices will help you to realign with your goals and remind you what you’re trying to manifest. I hope that they will pick you back up if you’re feeling a little down. I hope that they will bring you joy and fulfillment and encourage you to keep on working towards your goals!

  1. Music – Dance, Listen, Sing or Play! (Approx. 10 minutes)

Music is always my first go to if I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed or down. I’ll simply stop and listen to music, or I’ll have a little dance. Lately, I’ve found myself listening to music as I get ready for bed, dancing when I get out of the shower or bath, and taking the time to connect with my body through movement.

I also sing and play the ukulele, which I love doing anytime! Writing songs always makes me feel connected to my intuition and goals, as any form of writing can, and it simply brings me so much joy.

Try dancing and singing along to your favourite songs! It doesn’t matter what you look or sound like, just have fun with it and you’ll feel so much more positive as a result, therefore… you’ll be more likely to attract more positivity into your life!

Having a positive mindset is crucial. It’s impossible to be in that high vibe, positive mindset all the time – but music can often really help you get there.



2. Draw a Tarot, oracle, or affirmation card (Approx. 10 minutes)

I love drawing a card of the day, each morning! Though it truly doesn’t matter when you decide to pick up your tarot, oracle, or affirmation deck – anytime you draw a card (or two, or more), you are reconnecting to yourself, inviting your intuition in, and pausing for a moment to reflect on where you are in your life, and where you’re going.

It can be overwhelming to learn a new card deck but drawing simply one card a day is a great place to start. Use the guidebooks if you need to, or if you simply want to read what the creator of the cards has to say. There are always so many layers and so much to gain from the insights that any card deck shares. If you really want to take it up a notch, journal about the card you’ve drawn too. At the very least, take a moment to reflect on the card at the end of your day, or the next morning – and do your best to apply its lessons in your daily life.


3. Journal – write everything down! (Approx. 10 minutes)

Write, write, write! Whatever you want to write about, whenever you feel called to do it, put pen to paper or type into the notes app on your phone, whatever floats your boat – just write as often as you can! Write down what you’re grateful for. Start doing morning pages – I have a blog post & video about it if you’re curious, check that out here if you’re curious! Brainstorm ideas or scribble out a mind map.

It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself a good writer or not – no one else has to read it!

I know I’m slightly biased because I’ve always been a writer! Ever since I was a kid, I’ve kept a journal and written in all different forms. If there’s one thing that has stuck with me throughout my entire life, it’s how therapeutic writing can be. 

Getting your thoughts out of your head and onto paper allows you to begin the process of letting them go. Write down things that are bugging you and reframe them – look for a silver lining, write freestyle until you think of a solution, or at the very least the next step you can take.

In writing freehand, without judging what tumbles onto the page, you never know what you might discover about yourself – from your dreams and ambitions to your fears and doubts, and everything in between. Plus, when it comes to setting goals or developing new habits, you are far more likely to achieve what you want once you’ve written it down. If you’re not crystal clear on your vision and your purpose, it’ll be a lot harder to make it happen!

So, if you haven’t written out your goals, do it right now. Save this blog to finish later, I’ll wait!


4. Have a meditative, manifesting bubble bath! (Approx. 30 minutes)

Take some time out for yourself, put some music on and take a bubble bath! Being in the water is so peaceful, and also has so much meditative and manifesting potential! Let me talk you through a simple ritual you can do while soaking in the tub. I’ve legit fallen in love with having bubble baths lately, and I do variations of this little routine every time!

Firstly, I recommend using essential oils.

Essential oils can really help, as certain scents are attributed to different meanings. For example, if you want to bring more peace and relaxation into your life, lavender works perfectly. If you’re looking for more love, then rose is a beautiful choice. If you want greater clarity, rosemary is wonderful.

Whatever you’re striving for, there’s an essential oil that will help you focus on a particular aspect of your goals. If you’re unsure what essential oil best suits what you’re trying to manifest, comment below and I’ll do my best to help!

So, use a few drops of whatever essential oil you like. ALWAYS read the label on your essential oil to ensure that it is safe to use in the bath, and check how many drops to use.

Then, as you relax and feel the water around you, take a moment to meditate. Ensure that you are sitting as upright as possible, and have music or a guided meditation playing, so you don’t fall asleep in the bath!

Focus on your breath and let your thoughts pass by, as though they are clouds in the sky that is your mind.

This sounds so simple and easy, yet meditation is always hit and miss. Sometimes our minds are stormy, with so many thoughts swirling around.

Though if you’ve ever struggled to meditate before, seriously try it in a bath. Much like meditating when you first wake up, you’re usually in a relaxed state of mind.

After meditating for as long as you like, use this time in the bath to reflect on your goals, and visualise. Imagine your dreams manifesting before you. Act as if your dreams have already come true, and really believe it, feel it in your body, and see it in your mind.

The scent from your essential oil will help you focus on the themes and having a vision board or your goals written out can help you with the specifics.

Other things you can add to really supercharge your bath include:

·      Listening to music, a podcast, an audiobook, or a guided meditation

·      Lighting candles or incense, especially if you set an intention as you light them

·      Burning essential oils in a diffuser

·      Magnesium Salt Flakes - I love adding a handful every time!

·      Journaling or reading while in the bath

·      Sipping on a drink of your choice, that you’ve made with intention, such as cacao

·      If you really want to take it up a notch, you can add different herbs or a particular bath bomb that corresponds to what you’re trying to manifest – similar to choosing particular essential oils that help you focus on your goals/dreams/desires

·      Have crystals nearby (careful not to get water-soluble crystals wet though!)

Just like all of these practices, what I’m currently terming a manifesting bath can be as spiritual as you want.

The main thing is that you’re taking a moment for yourself, which will make you feel good!

After your bath, as you pull the plug, let your worries, doubts, and fears go with the water, down the drain. Shake off any stagnant or negative energies and step out of the bath, renewed, energised, and excited to make your goals and dreams a reality!


5. Set Intentions (Approx. 5 minutes)

As I shared in my cacao ceremony video, I find setting an intention for my day is really helpful! Whether you set an intention with cacao or not, I believe the intentions that you bring to each moment in your life can make such a difference to the outcome.

For example, if you wake up and set the intention that you’re going to have a wonderful day, you’re essentially stating that you’re in a positive state of mind. You’re telling yourself to look for more positive things to focus on, as you go about your day.

The way I see it is, intentions allow you to shift your mindset.

Honestly, I may have to do a separate video on this topic! For now, let me share with you one way to easily add intention into your everyday.

Just like with cacao, try taking a moment to “bless” your food and drink with an intention as you prepare and consume it. You can simply state: “This coffee will energise me and enable me to have a productive morning.” As you make lunch your intention could be that the food will nourish you and you will feel satisfied and healthy. Whatever it may be, setting an intention is like confirming to your brain what your expectations are.

I find this practice so helpful and though it may be the placebo effect, I find that it really makes a difference!

Mindfulness also has a part to play I believe, as by setting an intention, you are also appreciating the moment, free from distractions. You are taking more notice of every bite or sip, as you focus on consuming your intention along with your food or drink.

So, with that degree of attention placed on the experience, you’re more likely to notice when you’re full. You’re more likely to feel the caffeine buzz. You’re more likely to taste the spectrum of flavours in your meal.

It’s amazing how much more you can enjoy anything in life when you place more importance on being there, experiencing it, in the moment. Setting intentions encourages you to be mindful – it’s a really lovely thing!

When it comes to manifesting, setting intentions will help you to remain focused on your goals too.

If you have any questions about setting intentions, please let me know in the comments below! I’d love to talk more about it in a future video too if you like!


There are so many other things that you can do that will help you to manifest. Especially when you consider the importance of having a positive mindset! Anything that cheers you up, that gets you thinking positively, that breaks you free from your fears and doubts – anything that reinforces your goals and dreams will help you to manifest.

Practice mindfulness, call or message a friend, go for a walk, stretch, exercise, look at your vision board, visualise, and meditate often. You can incorporate so many simple spiritual and mindful practices into your day and make them into habits that bring you so much joy, every time.

I hope today’s video has been helpful – I feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg!


So, now I’d love to know – which of the practices that I shared today are you going to try first?

If you’d like to learn more about these mindful, spiritual practices and manifesting, I have a list of resources and recommendations for you to check out below!

Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or requests, or find me over on Instagram @eboniehyland, I’d love to see you there too!

I truly hope you found today’s blog post and video helpful, and if you haven’t already, I hope you’ll consider subscribing to my YouTube channel! I post a new video every Thursday, all about self-development, spirituality, manifesting, the Law of Attraction, and divination. If that’s something you’re curious to learn more about, be sure to ring the little bell too so that you’re notified when I post a new video!

Thank you so much for being here today, and I can’t wait to see you here again next week!

So much love,

Ebonie xx

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