✧ Obsessed with all things spiritual (& coffee!) ✧ Making videos, taking photos, singing songs ☾ Charmed Tarot Readings Available


How to Reconnect To Your Intuition - Jumping Down The Spiritual Rabbit Hole!

When I first started learning Tarot, I kept hearing the word ‘intuition’. “Trust your intuition,” “Listen to your intuition”, “Connect to your Intuition…” And I thought, okay, I get it. I just go with my ‘gut instinct’ right? How hard could that be?

Before I knew it, seeking out my intuition became the bigger, more important task. I realised that the divination tools were simply to help me get there. Tarot, oracle and Lenormand cards, rune stones, charms, and tea leaf reading, even seeking advice from a pendulum… These are all helpful tools that help you to connect to your intuition.

But they are just methods, just tools – they are not intuition itself. They helped me immeasurably, and continue to help me, every single day. But to really use them to their full potential, I had to understand what intuition meant first.

In today’s video, through this blog and on my YouTube channel, my hope is to help you reconnect to your intuition.

 Hey everyone, welcome back to my channel, or if you’re just meeting me for the first time, hi! My name’s Ebonie, and I am so grateful that you’re here!

Today I’d like to talk about what ‘reconnecting with your intuition’ means and introduce myself a little. Who am I, and what exactly is this blog/YouTube channel about? I hope you find today’s post helpful, and if you do enjoy it, I hope you’ll consider subscribing!

This is just an introduction - this is just the beginning. There is so much more to come, and I am so excited to share what I'm learning, in the hope that it helps others to reconnect to their intuitions, to themselves, and to each other! Reconnecting to your intuition is where it all starts. So much is possible once you learn how to listen to, and trust, your intuition.

I hope that my little corner of the internet will show you just how amazing and fun reconnecting can be!


What Does ‘Reconnecting With Your Intuition’ Mean?

If you’re interested in Tarot or any form of divination, you’ve likely come across the idea of reading intuitively. It’s likely that throughout your life, you have heard phrases such as ‘listen to your intuition’ and ‘trust your intuition’. But what does it actually mean? How is it possible to be in tune with your intuition?

What started out as an interest in learning about Tarot, quickly shifted to learning about myself on a deeper level than ever before.

I started seeking out any divination methods I could, such as Tarot, Oracle and Lenormand cards, runes stones, charms, tea leaf reading, and pendulums. I continue to use these tools, along with journaling, reading, and watching all that I can – learning all that I can – to keep searching inward for answers that my intuition already knows.

As I said earlier, these things are just methods, just tools – they are not intuition itself. To really use them to their full potential, I had to understand what intuition meant first.

So, I delved a little deeper. I asked questions, I opened my mind completely, I expanded my beliefs and considered all the possibilities. I kept using divination and I listened, really listened to myself, more than I ever had before in my life.

And as I was writing one day, it clicked. It’s so complicated and yet so simple at the same time. I was scribbling away and the words ‘reconnect to your intuition’ tumbled out.

Reconnect to your intuition. It was like a light bulb moment!

My intuition wasn’t such a mysterious, inexplicable thing. It exists within me, just as it always has.

To reconnect with your intuition is to know yourself. I choose the word, ‘reconnect’ because we already have that knowledge within us. Our intuition is always there, it’s just a matter of reconnecting, rediscovering, remembering, what it feels like to listen and trust it.

Sometimes your intuition is standing up, waving its hands around in the air and screaming at you. But other times, it’s like a quiet whisper.

It can be butterflies in your tummy, or a word caught in your throat. It can blatantly obvious, or it can be soft nudge.

But even if you may sometimes doubt it, never fear it. Intuition is a deeper awareness that only wants what is best for you.

It doesn’t want you to be afraid, it wants to guide you away from danger.



How to Connect to Your Intuition

How do you know if you’re connected with your intuition? We all have a million thoughts running through our minds, all day, every day. How do you hear your intuition through all that interference? The following sentence changed everything for me: Intuition lives in the body, not the mind.

Intuition lives in the body, not the mind.

 So, when seeking guidance from your intuition, you have to listen to your body, not your mind.

The best way to do this, is to be still. Stop. Pay attention to your breath, inhale and exhale. Be aware of your heart, beating. Sit or stand a little taller, close your eyes, and tune in.

Is your heart heavy? Is your tummy doing backflips? Is there a word or sentence repeating itself, feeling like it’s stuck in your throat? Only you can understand what your intuition is telling you.

A feeling of fear may present itself, but don’t turn away – question it. If you’re in actual danger, then your intuition will be screaming, get out of this situation! But if it’s a fear of change, a fear of embracing your dream and getting that idea off the ground, it’s more likely that your intuition is not telling you to be afraid. Your intuition is more likely saying, this is a little nerve-wracking, and who knows what will happen – but you need to do it anyway!

Starting the YouTube channel, I felt so nervous. I still do, with each video I share. But if I didn’t feel nervous and excited about it, would I even be doing it? If there wasn’t some deeper knowing that I need to be doing this, despite the nerves, despite the fear of failing or not being good enough, would I be here right now, making this?

It was my intuition that guided me here. Before I even really knew what intuition was.

I’m still learning to reconnect. I’m still learning how to listen to my body. It’s an ongoing process, and like learning about divination such as Tarot, I’m sure I’ll forever be learning. But with each step closer to understanding my intuition, I also understand myself more too, in every way. I get a little more confidence, a little more spring in my step! Last year I really thought I wasn’t enough as I am – now I know that I’ve always been enough.

And now I know what this channel is about.

It’s about reconnecting. Reconnecting to our intuitions, to ourselves, and to each other.

Divination has been an open door, leading to my intuition. I hope my videos will help you to experience that too!

It all started with tarot, but I’ve become so fascinated with all kinds of divination, crystals and spirituality in general. I’m obsessed with the many different card systems, rune stones, pendulums, charm casting, manifesting, astrology and so much more. I’m determined to learn all about the history, folklore, myths, legends and misconceptions. I feel like I’m on a mission to try them all for myself – for the guidance they can bring, and the self-reflection and growth that comes with learning from them.

Many of these practices are ancient and timeless, yet many of us have forgotten them, just as we’ve forgotten our intuitive, inner selves.

I believe that many of us, in our modern, busy lives, could really benefit from these methods and rituals – because they remind us to pause, reflect and reconnect. They help us figure out what we really want, and to manifest those goals.

So, as I learn, I want to teach, I want to pass the knowledge along. And as I teach, I’m sure I’ll learn so much more in the process, too.

In creating YouTube videos, I hope to reach like-minded people with the same fascination with divination and spirituality as me.



A Little About Me…

If you’re just meeting me for the first time, here’s my little backstory spiel for anyone curious!

For many years I’ve been curious about spirituality. At least 6 or 7 years ago I brought my first Tarot deck, but it was left aside when I started studying music. I’d already completed a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing the previous year, but after a while working in a bookshop, I decided to return to Melbourne to learn all I could about writing music.

My first love was and always will be writing. Creative writing, storytelling, songs and poetry. Writing music, singing and performing, all began with words – poetry that turned into lyrics. And now, I share a blog post for every video I create!

I will also always love photography and making videos. While travelling for most of last year, I lugged around my hefty DSLR camera, taking so many photos that I still haven’t even finished sharing.

It was a year ago now that I flew home from Guatemala, recently single, and with no job. I dived right into starting a photography business in my hometown. It was a long, slow process getting the business started, and I hadn’t made too much progress when COVID reached Australia. Even months later, restrictions are still limiting what I can do with portrait photography.

In the meantime, I fell headfirst down the spiritual rabbit hole and started creating these YouTube videos! With all this time at home, I started reflecting and actually started to work out what I want. As you’ve witnessed here on this YouTube channel, I’ve become obsessed with divination methods such as Tarot, Oracle and Lenormand cards, rune stones, charm casting, tea leaf reading, and pendulums!

All of these things - along with journaling, reading awesome books, and watching awesome YouTube videos - has helped me to understand myself better than ever before, and taught me what it really means when we say, “listen to your intuition”.

I realised that it had been a long time since I’d really stopped and asked myself - what do I actually want? Like many, I’m a people pleaser. My nature is also pretty ‘go with the flow’ - which is not a bad way to be, except when you need to stop letting yourself get swept away. Too often in the past I’ve become so caught up by the flow of life, and by the influence of others, that I don’t pause to think - is this the direction I want to go?

For years I yearned to travel, and worked full time for two years, saving as much as I could to make it happen. I am so incredibly grateful that I had the chance to travel full time for nine months! While we travelled, I started to slowly learn about myself – I just didn’t quite stop for long enough to reflect on it. I did realise that more than anything, I want to spend my days creating! As much as the adventurous things we did were amazing, I didn’t just want to experience them - I wanted to write about them, to capture them on camera, to share them.

I didn’t realise it at the time, but I was searching for meaning. I felt this restless, impatient feeling in the pit of my stomach, telling me that I had to do more, be more. I wasn’t enough as I was – physically or spiritually. As cheesy as it sounds, I had to learn to love myself, and I had to learn to listen to – and trust – my instincts. I was just going with the flow, trying to live in the moment, trying to please others or live up to other’s expectations… Instead of asking that question we all need to ask ourselves: What makes me happy?

You don’t need all the divination tools, but you do need insight. By actively seeking answers, trying things out and experimenting with ideas, I’ve found so much clarity. About myself and about what I want to do.

As Marie Forleo writes, “Action is the faster and most direct route to clarity”.

I’m embracing my spiritual side now, completely. I’m listening to my intuition like never before. Going through such a major shift in perspective, and deep diving inwards, has taught me so much - and I want to share what I continue to learn in the hope it might help others!


Whatever spiritual beliefs you have, I hope this YouTube channel and my blog helps guide you. Even if it’s simply sharing my experiences, with the chance that someone will resonate with it and feel a little less alone.

As I reconnect with my intuition, I hope I can inspire you to do the same. Trust me, its life changing. But I’ll be over the moon if even just your day is changed for the better!

I hope you’ll join me, in jumping down the rabbit hole!

I hope that you’ll consider subscribing, and comment below – what do you want to learn about the most here on this channel?

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them below too, or find me on Instagram @eboniehyland. I’d love to see you over there!

Thank you so much for watching. Thank you, for being here with me.

I don’t know where this will lead. Up ahead, all I see are trees. There’s no clear path, no tracks to follow. But deep down I know, this is the way I need to go.

I can’t wait to see you here next week!

Much love,

Ebonie xx