Ebonie Hyland

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Know Your Why to Achieve your 2021 Goals | 'Manifesting in the Real World' Episode Seven

You can set all the New Years’ Resolutions, you can have all the best intentions to accomplish your goals, but without getting specific on WHY you want to achieve them, not only will you struggle to enjoy the process, you’ll also hinder your success.

Those new years’ resolutions will be forgotten by February unless you have the motivation that can last well into the rest of the year and beyond… The kind of motivation that comes from having a solid reason why you want to do something.

Your reason for doing something is what will drive you to succeed.

Knowing your why is crucial to achieving your goals and manifesting anything you want.

This is a huge topic, but an interesting one, so get yourself a cuppa, and let’s get into it!


Hey everyone! Welcome back, or if you’re here for the first time, nice to meet you! My name is Ebonie and this blog (and the YouTube channel) is here to help you reconnect to your intuition, so you can manifest in the real world! If you find today’s video and blog post helpful, I hope you’ll consider subscribing to my channel linked above, I’d love to connect with you on YouTube too!

I’ve mentioned before how important it is to know why you want to achieve something, especially in my mindset video/blog post a few weeks ago, the last episode in the Manifesting in the Real World series.

While having a positive mindset plays a massive part in achieving your goals, the second piece to the manifesting puzzle is knowing your reason why.

Knowing why you want to achieve your goal, or attract something or someone into your life, allows you to reinforce a positive mindset, too.

All of these concepts work together. The idea with my channel, blog, and the ‘Manifesting in the Real World’ series, is to discuss all of these interesting aspects of self-development and spirituality, and how to actually put them to use!

Today we’re focusing on just one small yet super effective part, so I’d recommend checking out the rest of the series to learn more about the Law of Attraction and manifesting if you’re curious!

So, today’s question is – why is knowing your ‘why’ so important?

Let’s use an example to explain this a little.

Let’s say that your goal is to eat healthier. Your resolution is to only eat junk food once or twice a week at most, or whatever the case may be. Your reason for this goal is that you want to be healthier. You want to live a long, healthy life.

Yet that reason is pretty far removed from the here and now. It’s not very defined or immediate, so it’s not necessarily super motivational.

For some, the idea of being as healthy as possible is enough for them to put down the packet of chips and step away from the chocolate…

But for others, the idea of indulging in the chips and chocolate is far more alluring, here and now at least. Afterward, they’ll feel bad for succumbing to the junk food, and they’ll likely just continue eating more junk food to cheer themselves up again.

Let’s be real, we’ve all be there before!

So, the cycle of bad habits can easily continue if the motivation isn’t strong enough to overcome the immediate dopamine hit that comes from doing the thing that you’re trying to not do.

It can be wanting to save money, but then you just have to buy those new heels.

It can be wanting to start a YouTube channel, but your limiting beliefs stop you in your tracks.

It can be anything you’re trying to change for the better, anything you want to achieve in life, but time and time again, you just can’t seem to make it work.

So, what will actually make you change your habit, or start that new project? There are many tools and techniques that will help, yet I definitely believe that having a solid reason why plays a huge part in helping you succeed.

The kind of reason that will make you jump out of bed before hitting snooze.

The kind of reason that will energise you.

The kind of reason that will bring you so much joy, that you can see no reason why not to do the thing you want to do.

Why do you want to eat better? So, you can live a long, healthy life, right? Don’t stop there though! Why do you want to live a long, healthy life? Keep digging for more details, more motivation.

Maybe it’s so you can grow old with those you love. Or it could be so that you minimise your risk of a health condition. It could be so you can feel better day-to-day, right now – more energised, and so on. There are obviously so many reasons to eat healthier, but what matters is that your reason is specific to you.

The more detailed and relevant it is to you, the more motivational it will be!  

My motivation and reason why I don’t smoke is because I had really bad asthma as a kid. Long story short, I won’t go into it more than that, but you get the gist!

See how personal your motivation can be?

That one reason alone is strong enough to convince me I don’t want to smoke. I’m just not interested in it because my motivation to not smoke is far stronger than any reason why I would.

So, what’s your true motivation?

What reason can you think of that could get you so excited to eat healthier? The kind of reason that will have you chomping down kale and sipping on green juices!

Here’s the thing though. The fact is that even without a clear reason why you want to achieve something, you may still get where you want to go. You can still find enough motivation (even if it’s simply pure necessity to keep on going) and work hard to succeed, without truly understanding why you even want to.

But the fulfillment and joy that comes from achieving what you want when you know your reason why is infinitely more. The greater the reason, the greater the reward, the greater the success, and ultimately, the greater the experience.

If you have a strong reason why keeping you motivated, you’re also helping to convince yourself that you can achieve what you want. You’ll be more motivated to make it happen. You’ll be committed to the process. You’ll be able to build a positive mindset, and you’ll be much more likely to manifest your desired outcome.


As we kick off 2021, I hope this blog and the video above helps encourage you to reflect on what you want to achieve this year and why those goals are so important to you.

At the end of this page, you’ll find even more information and resources on this topic, to help you make the absolute most of this year! There are some super inspiring videos I recommend you watch linked below too.

If you’re open to sharing, I’d love to know in the comments below – what are your goals for 2021 and why do you want to achieve them? If you’d like, please do share in the comments below, I’d love to hear about your plans and your reasons!

You can also find me over on Instagram @eboniehyland, I’d love to see you over there too!

I truly hope you found today’s blog post and video helpful, and if you haven’t already, I hope you’ll consider subscribing to my YouTube channel! I post a new video every Thursday, all about self-development, spirituality, manifesting, the Law of Attraction, and divination. If that’s something you’re curious to learn more about, be sure to ring the little bell too so that you’re notified when I post a new video!

Thank you so much for being here today, and I can’t wait to see you here again next week!

So much love,

Ebonie xx

Resources and Recommendations

Inspiring YouTube Videos:

‘The ONLY Video You Need To Find Your TRUE PURPOSE In Life | TOP 5 Best Advice Speeches | Goalcast’ — Goalcast on YouTube.

'Michael Jr: Know Your Why' — Scott Habeeb on YouTube. Also from there, I found a TED talk from Michael Jr. called ‘More Than Funny,’ which was also really great, definitely check that out too!

‘Find Fulfillment - Find your WHY’ — Simon Sinek on YouTube.

How to Find Your Purpose | Jay Shetty on Impact Theory — Tom Bilyeu on YouTube.

A Few of my Favourite Books:

'Atomic Habits' by James Clear. Available from Amazon.

‘Think Like a Monk’ by Jay Shetty. Available from Amazon.

‘You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life’ by Jen Sincero. Available from Amazon.

'Super Attractor' by Gabrielle Bernstein.' Available from Amazon.

‘The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself’ by Michael A. Singer. Available from Amazon.

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